What has happened to the Bradley Family during 2007 you ask........
We welcomed 2007 in a great way by holding a party here at home with quite a few friends and lots of alcohol and yummy food. Some mates have a band called Payback and they kindly came and played for us for our joint housewarming/new year's party. A great night was had by all and even tho there were close to 100 people here everyone was really well behaved - even all the kids. In fact it was such an awesome night we are doing it again for this New Year's!
We are loving our house and can't remember what is was like before we had all this room. I'm
sure you can believe that there are still boxes to unpack over a year later but you get that with a family of hoarders lol. Getting very close to doing a major clean out of all our junk and getting stuck onto eBay. Haven't really made any changes to the place except installing air-conditioning, replacing the spa and building a monster-sized cubby house. Doubling of the garage is still on the agenda. It really is our very own slice of paradise.

Georgia has excelled at school again - must have her mother's brains, tho I think sometimes
socialising is more important to her than actual school work. We have finally talked her round to starting piano lessons in the new year. Georgia doesn't have much interest in formal activities, she'd much rather just get together with her friends and play. Also no interest in the motorbikes unless it's the 4
wheeled variety. She is our very own Forrest Gump - Michaela will ride and she'll just run lol And man can this child eat! I swear she eats more than the other three put together and yet she is the only skinny person in our family - go figure. I guess all that running and dancing around she does burns it all off. Georgia is very excited that we will be spending her birthday in Perth this January as we are heading west for some much needed holidays.
Riley has really grown. She is talking so well now and it's hard to get her to stop. No longer shy around people at all and will have a chat to anyone. She also takes after me - a total shopaholic. There are days where she just d
oesn't want to head home after taking her sisters to school, she wants to go to the shops! Loves being outside too and will head out into the yard whenever she gets the chance. 3 year old kinder begins next year and Riley is really looking forward to going. I'm sure she won't be quite as eager once she actually gets there and realises Mum and Jack won't be staying with her but I don't think it will take long for her settle in. She just loves playing with other kids and she'll love making a heap of new friends.
Jack is just gorgeous. Generally he is the easiest baby tho he's not really a baby anymore he's a toddler. Can throw some whopper tantrums if he doesn't get what he wants but they only last a few moments and quite easy to ignore. Doesn't really say many words but knows what he wants and how to get it. Seems to be that every adult is called "mum" and every kid is "georgia". Quite funny watching him standing there hitting Moon on the leg and calling out

The biggest change around here has been the sale of our business Cash A Car. Moon had just had enough of all the stress and responsibilities of being the boss. He is still working there but at least now he can have some time off and for the first time ever he'll be having 2 weeks off over Christmas. He is also only working every second Saturday and it's so nice to have more time to do family things. Hopefully early in the new year everything at work will be running smoothly again and Moon will settle into the role of a wage earning employee and leave all the problems for the new bosses to sort out. And even better - I'm out of a job! Don't think the new company really wanted to keep me on for the 6 hours a week I worked and definitely not at the same rate of pay lol
Moon might even get more time to play with all his toys now. He hasn't been too bad buying cars this year, just spending money on the ones he's already got. The latest toy is a blown motor in the F100 that has been dyno tested at 500hp. Georgia isn't too impressed with it and Moon is under strict instruction to go slow whenever she is in the passenger seat. Michaela on the other hand would love to be sitting in it when he finally tests it out down the quarter mile but I won't let her. His other toys these days are of the gardening variety which makes keeping this place looking tidy much easier.

I'm going well. Never seem to have enough hours in the day in between driving the kids around here there and everywhere, cooking, cleaning, gardening, shopping and catching up with friends. The other big news is that we have booked a wedding date - October 18 2008! Yep we are finally going to do it. Now just actually have to organise everything. The only things we've settled on so far is the date, place (here at home) and the celebrant (Moon's aunt). Some interstate family and friends have already started booking flights so that's a good incentive get things happening.
Well that's all for now - this has taken me hours! Hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe holiday. May 2008 bring all of you only good health and great times.
All our love,
Amanda, Moon, Michaela, Georgia, Riley and Jack xxxxxxx